Marc Peters


Europe – MENA

Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) graduated chemical engineer & industrial process engineer.

  • Agricultural Technical School of Luxembourg - Creative Global Investments – Ceratungsten (Ceratizit Group)

Mr. Peters began his professional career in 1991 as assistant manager at Ceratungsten (a Cerametal group) in Luxembourg, where he oversaw and implemented the whole tungsten / carbide powder process and production for the group worldwide.

Over the years Mr. Peters succeeded to quadruple the production, upgraded quality to best-in-class and applied lean management leading the company to one of the biggest players worldwide. Challenges were to develop continuously improving coherent processes, optimizing quality and production output.

In 2004, M. Peters became Managing Director at Ceratungsten Sarl (Luxembourg) with focus to  develope, upgrade, restructure, and manage the world’s leading tungsten and tungsten carbide conversion plant for the Ceratizit group, a worldwide leader in hard metal matters.

In 2008, Mr. Peters joined the Agriculture Technical School in Luxembourg as a teacher. One field of expertise that Mr. Peters developed lies in testing water treatment processes, able to enhance animal health and farm productivity.

At Creative Global Investments LLC, M. Peters is head of the global industrial strategy group where he oversees research and strategy for industrial manufacturing and engineering research and advises the top institutional investors globally.

Mr. Peters studied biological, agricultural and environmental sciences and completed his studies at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and graduated as chemical engineer & industrial process engineer.

He enjoys being part of innovating global industrial concepts, improving corporate cultures and finding sustainable solutions to global environmental matters.

Mr. Peters tends to be comfortable in:

  • Global Industrial & Technology Client Development and Client Relationship management
  • Industrial & Technology Engineering
  • Process Analysis & Engineering
  • Industrial & Technology Applications
  • Waste treatment & recycling, agricultural sustainable technologies, clean technologies & energies
  • Water technologies, life sciences